
Our Aim

To serve the community and supply a venue that is clean, safe and welcoming. Our venue has been used for every occasion from children’s parties to bridge clubs and many more.

Come and See us on Facbook

We are using a Facebook Group to make announcements, allow users to advertise, and to keep people up to date with what’s going on at he centre. It’s an open group, anyone may join.

Who We Are

We are a registered charity (charity number 522040) created in 1963. Although the centre is built upon land generously leased from St Aidan’s Church we are independent from both the Church and the council. The original building was built using funds raised by the people of Brunton Park and Melton Park. We are run entirely by volunteers and our income comes from the receipts from the hire of the facilities. We have in the past received both National Lottery funding and grants from both North Gosforth Parish Council and Newcastle City Council for which we are very grateful.

Where We Are

The community centre is located at the junction of Polwarth Drive and Princes road on Brunton Park, next to St Aidan’s Church and opposite the row of shops.

What We Offer

We have three rooms for hire, the Hall, Club Room and Committee Room. You can hire any combination of rooms and there is a combined rate for the hire of the entire building. You can hire the facilities for a one off event or on a regular basis. We also have a large kitchen with cooking facilities and some crockery and cutlery.
To see the details of the facilities, click here.
To see the our prices, take a look at our Ad Hoc Booking Rates or our Regular Booking Rates.
To book an event, take a look at the Ad Hoc Booking Page or the Recurring Event Booking Page.

Data Retention and Data Protection

We collect and retain personal data from people who have an active association with the community centre either as users or in the running of the centre. We only keep such data as is required for the prudent operation of the centre and retain it for a period of time commensurate with law and/or commonly accepted good business practice. We do not share our data with any third parties. We also collect data in the form of CCTV. This data is retained for the purposes of crime prevention and crime detection. If you wish to contact the data controller, please email datacontroller@staidanscommunitycentre.org.uk.